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What is a cryptocurrency & how does it work?

A cryptocurrency is a digital, encrypted, and decentralized medium of exchange. Unlike the U.S. Dollar or the Euro, there is no central authority that manages and maintains the value of a cryptocurrency. Instead, these tasks are broadly distributed among a cryptocurrency’s users via the internet.

Is cryptocurrency a good investment?

Cryptocurrency is both a new kind of digital money and an investment opportunity. Learn the facts behind the different types of crypto products, their benefits, and how they function. Cryptocurrency is digital currency that doesn’t require a financial institution like a bank to verify transactions.

Why is crypto important?

Cryptography plays a vitally important role in allowing users to freely transact tokens and coins between one another without the need for an intermediary like a bank to keep track of each person’s balance and ensure the network remains secure.

What is a cryptocurrency node?

A node is a computer that connects to a cryptocurrency network. The node supports the cryptocurrency's network through either relaying transactions, validation, or hosting a copy of the blockchain. In terms of relaying transactions, each network computer (node) has a copy of the blockchain of the cryptocurrency it supports.

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